Investing For a Child Education is Better than Taking the Loan for the Same
Education is one of the best levers to make this world a better place. Famous entrepreneur and CEO of Apple Inc. Steve Jobs once said, “The best thing that could happen to me was that my parents had put me in a school.” From Thomas Elva Edison to Albert Einstein and from Mark Zuckerberg to Bill Gates, all of them had credited education for their success. In India, primary education is a fundamental right. It implies that the Government is bound by the constitution of the country to provide free education for the children of the age group of 6 to 14 years. Before the other Indian States catch up with the standards of New Delhi’s Primary education, you have to rely on private education. Similar is the scenario in Graduation & Higher education . No doubt, every parent wants the best education for their children, but the costs are a major concern. The best school in your city may remain a dream. The same can be true ab...